Stop Bullying
Bullying is a repeated intentional written, verbal, or physical act that a student has exhibited toward another particular student and the behavior causes mental or physical harm to the other student and is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, abusive environment or for the other students.
Students or parents may anonymously report an alleged incident of bullying using this 24 hour a day hotline. The purpose of this hotline is to create an anonymous, two way means for students, parents, guardians and others to report incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation and information on potential harmful or violent acts by others. Please note that after submission of the complaint, it will be assigned to the appropriate school administrator.
- The school has published the following hotline number: 419-429-8994
- Call and leave a voice message that contains specific details
- The caller ID is masked, making the report anonymous
- The messages are checked every weekday morning at 7:30am and then forwarded to one or more school officials to investigate
- The date and time the incident occurred
- The names of the student(s)exhibiting bullying behaviors
- The location of where the incident took place (classroom, school bus or bus stop, hallways, cafeteria, after-school sponsored activity, etc.)
- In as many details as possible, describe what happened
- Provide names of witnesses present
- If you want contacted regarding the outcome please provide a name and phone number for us to contact you
Once again, the purpose of this hotline is for students to report bullying anonymously. More information about the district’s bullying policy can be found online: Board of Education Policy 9.08 and the FHS student handbook.
If you fear a student is in immediate danger, please contact 911 or local law enforcement.
To further assist in our prevention effort students or parents may also report an alleged incident of bullying in writing. As always, students and/or parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher, school counselor or principal. Students or parents may contact Findlay High School or complete an incident report below that may be used to submit the complaint. Please see the attached forms in the above link and return them to the main office or a school counselor.
Incident Reports: Bullying
Please note that the forms will be routed to the FHS Head Principal & a member of the FHS Counseling Staff. For more information, please email, and your email will be routed to the appropriate staff.