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Meg Simon Principal Welcome

Principal: Mrs. Meg Simon
Executive Secretary: Mrs. Kat Patterson
Records Secretary: Mrs. Stephanie Getui
Whole Child Counselor: Mr. Stefan Adams
Student Advocacy Specialist: Mrs. Sara Sublett
College & Career Counselor: Mrs. Emily Greer
Dean of Students 10-12: Miss Erin Clegg


Don Williams Principal Welcome

Behavior Support Specialist: Mrs. Emma Kristofferson
Counselor: Mr. Seth Johnston
Secretary: Mrs. Stacey Franks

GRADES 10-12 (Gr-O)

Mark Laux Principal Message

Secretary: Mrs. Lynn Parsell
Counselor: Miss Ursulla Jefferson

GRADES 10-12 (A-Go)

Barb Tardibuono Principal Welcome

Secretary: Miss Teresa Line
Counselor: Miss Laura Dyer

GRADES 10-12 (P-Z) 

Tasha Stanton, FHS Assistant Principal

Secretary: Ms. Julie Merrin
Counselor: Mr. Ryan Headley